The development consisted of a change of use, alterations, refurbishment and extension with associated external works of an existing derelict hostel building (18th Century Protected Structure) to offices with a disabled access platform lift to the rear.
Works included stripping out floors, walls and ceilings, replacement of roof finish including re-rendering to chimney, installation of AOV to stairwell, construction of lift and external stairs enclosure to rear of building. Underpinning works was carried out to the gable to no. 24 Thomas Street carried out by insitu concrete pit underpinning. Installation of new structural steel beam to access archway which required a temporary design. Strengthening of the existing structure by insertion of bat straps to floors, increasing number and quantity of timber joists, installation of steel beams, pad stones and heliforce bars. Conservation / repairs to decorative plaster using lime putty mortar. Renewal of decorative elements and redecorating and finishing. The existing floor was upgraded for fire; consideration was given to the sequencing of augmentation / repair to decorative ceiling and fitting of fire upgrade layer to underside of joists. Continuity of fire resistance was maintained across top of cornice.